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    Kid's Spearfishing & Freediving Wetsuits

    Kid's Speafishing and Free Diving wetsuits share the goal of maximising bottom time and to give the wearer enough flexibility to enter streamline without straining their body.  To... Read More

    Kid's Spearfishing & Freediving Wetsuits

    Kid's Speafishing and Free Diving wetsuits share the goal of maximising bottom time and to give the wearer enough flexibility to enter streamline without straining their body.  To be totally honest with you, there are no specialised apnea wetsuits for kids, so our range is a collection of suits we deem most effective for the demands of breath-hold diving.  Typically an apnea suit will come in 2 parts, the pants and the top- pants will come with either a very high waist or a long-john style.  Almost all of these suits come with a hood for warmth but also comfort and functionality, especially if your hair is long enough to reach your mask strap clips and or snorkel...

    There are two HUGE advantages to diving in a 2 piece suit, firstly that there is no zip and secondly you can customise the vertical fit!  The advantage to no zip is more stretch/flexibility along your back panel, this is because a zip is the ONLY part of a wetsuit that doesn't stretch. Having a zip along you spine means that any action, like touching your toes, puts immense strain on the suit and will not only limit your movement but eventually tear the zip away from it's setting. 

    The second advantage is that the beaver tail style allows you to adapt the torso length to fit you just right.  A beaver tail wetsuit top works by sending a panel of rubber from your lower back, under your crotch, up to a fixation point under your belly button.  By adjusting the clips you can extend the length of the beaver tail which means the wetsuit will sit higher on your waist, therefore making it 'taller' and negating the need for split sizes like Medium-Tall and Extra Large Short...

    The whole camo situation is one that is hard to comment on, technically speaking, because there are arguments for and against- mainly that fish rely on hearing, not sight.  In saying that, it's been proven that most fish can see colour and their eyes are quite similar terrestrial animals...  Hence why the jury is out.  Go with what you like!


    Kid's Freediving and Spearfishing Wetsuits.