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    Scuba Diving Booties

    Whether you're using an open-heel or closed-heel fin, Adreno's huge range of wetsuit boots and socks has you covered. We stock a range of gear from... Read More

    Scuba Diving Booties

    Whether you're using an open-heel or closed-heel fin, Adreno's huge range of wetsuit boots and socks has you covered. We stock a range of gear from renowned brands including Beuchat, Cressi, Probe and many more. What bootie or sock is right for you depends entirely on how you'll be using them, and with what fin. Not sure what's style is right for you? Have a read below to understand what defines diving boots and wetsuit socks.

    Diving boots are designed to go inside open-heel fins to accommodate for both comfort but protection when you're getting back on the boat. These boots have a sole, as you want to be able to walk around on the boat or rocky shoreline before/after your scuba dive. The basic functions of these diving boots are to:

    • Give you a comfortable, secure fit in open-heel fins and prevent blistering
    • Protect your feet both in and out of the water
    • Keep your feet warm throughout the dive

    Wetsuit Socks are simply socks made out of wetsuit material - Neoprene.  These can be used inside your diving boot for added warmth, inside flippers for warmth and to reduce the chance of developing a blister from your fins. We find a lot of adventure racers using wetsuit socks on the inside of their shoes.

    Reef Walker Shoes, or water shoes, are for walking on rocky shores to protect your feet, rather than being a scuba boot.