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    Jet Ski Long John Wetsuits

    Staying warm when you've got wind constantly wicking heat away from your body is tricky without some neoprene, and when you're jet skiing believe it or not... Read More

    Jet Ski Long John Wetsuits

    Staying warm when you've got wind constantly wicking heat away from your body is tricky without some neoprene, and when you're jet skiing believe it or not there's a wind factor involved. Neoprene is designed to trap a small amount of water between itself and your skin that your body heats up, keeping you warm. This warm layer acts as an insulator between yourself and the cold exterior wind and water. 

    Long John wetsuits are an especially popular design among jet skiers, and there's a few key reasons for this that centre around your arms and shoulders being freed up. Firstly, movement through your arms and shoulders isn't restricted by neoprene making it a little easier over time. It's also a slightly cooler design - your legs are more likely to get soaked then your arms given where they sit, so there's less need to cover up your arms. So on warmer days your upper body won't be absolutely steaming while you ride.

    If you'd like to learn more about wetsuits to figure out which one will work best for you, just check out some of our informative blogs below:

    Remember to take care of your wetsuit to get the most out of it by washing it with wetsuit wash after use and keeping it out of the sun between uses. To learn more check out our wetsuit maintenance blog.