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    Mares Wetsuits

    Mares Scuba Diving Wetsuits are one of the leaders in high-quality scuba diving suits. Mares produce wetsuits and semi-dry suits that are tailored for scuba diving, that... Read More

    Mares Wetsuits

    Mares Scuba Diving Wetsuits are one of the leaders in high-quality scuba diving suits. Mares produce wetsuits and semi-dry suits that are tailored for scuba diving, that is to say they prioritise sealing, thermal retention and compression resistance.  When diving, you're body is subject to pressure, this same pressure acts upon the cells within your wetsuit, this means that scuba diving wetties require neoprene with a greater density than surfing wetsuits.

    If you want to learn more in order to make an informed decision hit our video/blog links just below!

    To get the most out of your Mares Scuba Diving Wetsuit we recommend washing it with Wetsuit Wash.

    Shop online for Mares Scuba Diving Wetsuits and Accessories.