Surfing Wetsuits come in a plethora of styles and designed so it can be hard to differentiate between models as often the benefits aren't visible... Read More
Surfing Wetsuits come in a plethora of styles and designed so it can be hard to differentiate between models as often the benefits aren't visible to the eye or to the touch. The relevant styles are Steamers, Spring Suits, Short & Long Johns. When it comes to Surfing Wetsuits you want snug-fitting suit that'll keep you warm without restricting your movement. Restricting movement makes paddling more arduous and your surfing less agile and impedes on your natural movement/style, as result your sessions are cut short.
The main technical features to consider when deciding on a surfing wetsuit are the thickness, seam style and zip placement. Each of these elements directly affect both stretch and warmth however thickness is a measurement and not a feature and is decided by climate and your own tolerance to the cold. In Australia we see immense surface water temperature diversity from Tassie to Cape York which is why we carry suits from 0.5mm, 1mm, 2mm, 3/2mm, 3mm, 4/3mm, 4mm, 5mm, 6mm, 7mm and 9mm but you can get more info on thickness.
If you want to learn more in order to make an informed decisions hit our video/blog links just below!
To get the most out of your mens surfing wettie we recommend washing it with Wetsuit Wash.