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    Womens Wetsuit Gloves

    Wetsuit Gloves are a crucial component when diving cold water for obvious reasons so here at Wetsuit Warehouse we offer a range of specialist gloves for surfing,... Read More

    Womens Wetsuit Gloves

    Wetsuit Gloves are a crucial component when diving cold water for obvious reasons so here at Wetsuit Warehouse we offer a range of specialist gloves for surfing, diving and spearfishing - for men and women.  The more surface area that is exposed to the water, the quicker the water will rob that surface of heat and your fingers have a great deal of surface area! The principal is the same: keep your hands warm but the point of difference is the outer layer and how resistant to tearing is it.  With this in mind there are a few main materials: lycra, coated neoprene, nylon, kevlar and Dyneema [same material as chopping boards..]

    Surfers need to only consider lycra and coated neoprene, or smoothie-skin as they're rarely dealing with sharp items like barnacles or fish spines and the main priority for a surfer is to keep their digits warm. Typically these gloves have a sealed seam which keeps water from moving through the stitches but you can learn more about seams here.

    Divers are typically looking for a glove that is both warm and resilient and generally made of neoprene with synthetic layers adhered to provide grip.

    Spearfishers will go for for a reinforced glove which is essentially a diving glove but instead of sticky synthetics layers they'll line it with Nylon, Kevlar or Dyneema. These heavy duty linings are important as often a spearo finds themselves hanging off sharp rocks or barnacles. 


    Womens Wetsuit Gloves for Surfing, Diving & Spearfishing.