Wetsuit Vests are a relatively simple wetsuit style in that they're essentially a rubberised singlet but when you start considering materials things get a little more complicated... Read More
Wetsuit Vests are a relatively simple wetsuit style in that they're essentially a rubberised singlet but when you start considering materials things get a little more complicated but we're here to keep it simple. Every wetsuit vest your find here is designed to insulate your core/vital organs from the surrounding cold without putting strain on your paddle or swim stroke. Neoprene is a stretchy material but requires force in order to stretch, this means that when you make a paddle stroke, you're using effort to stretch the rubber, in-turn make each stroke take more effort.
Pro Tip: does your wetsuit have a zipper that leaks cold water into the suit? (probably, all wetsuit zips leak - learn more) So just chuck a vest over the zipper and deny cold water flushing!
If you want to learn more in order to make an informed decision hit our video/blog links just below!
To get the most out of your Wetsuit Vest we recommend washing it with Wetsuit Wash.