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    2mm Womens Wetsuits

    2mm Womens Wetsuits are strictly 2mm thick throughout their entire layup and are some of the thinnest wetsuits available today - they're best suited for surfing in... Read More

    2mm Womens Wetsuits

    2mm Womens Wetsuits are strictly 2mm thick throughout their entire layup and are some of the thinnest wetsuits available today - they're best suited for surfing in warmer conditions or for diving in the tropics.

    Obviously it comes down to personal tolerance to the cold, but we'd recommend a 2mm wetsuit for QLD surfers in winter and for those surfing in lower latitude than QLD, a 2mm suit is best used in transitional seasons like Spring and Autumn.

    You may note that all of the wetsuits below feature the sealed GBS seam - which may seem odd, because it's typically used in cold-water wetsuits and 2mm wetsuits are not cold-water wetsuits.

    The reason for GBS is because thin neoprene, like 2mm, is obviously much stretchier than 3mm, and 4mm etc. With that in mind, one needs to use a seam that has similar level of stretch, otherwise the rubber will tear along the seams (think of sticky tape on a balloon), hence why the use the highly-stretchy GBS.

    To get the most out of your Womens 2mm Wetsuitswe recommend washing it withWetsuit Wash &readingourmaintenance guide.

    If you want to learn more in order to make an informed decisions hit our video/blog links just below!

    2mm Womens Wetsuit Features

    • 2mm Thick Neoprene
    • Suited to QLD Winter & Autumn/Spring seasons for those further South.
    • Front or Back Zip
    • High Stretch due to relative thinness.